Out of Order

The Battle for the Future: Transatlantic Values and Technological Progress

Episode Summary

During the height of the cold war, the space race between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. was as much an ideological struggle as a battle of technological exploration. This plays out in our own time through a struggle for design and control over the next wave of invention. In our interconnected world, and at the precipice of machine learning and artificial intelligence, ideological values play an increasingly existential role in the future of tech. But who controls these values and how?

Episode Notes


During the height of the cold war, the space race between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. was as much an ideological struggle as it was a battle of technological exploration. When the U.S. first stepped foot on the moon, many framed the historical moment as an essential victory of democracy over communism. This melding of ideology and technological progress plays out in our own time through a struggle for design and control over the next wave of invention and innovation. In our interconnected world and at the precipice of machine learning and artificial intelligence, values play an increasingly existential role in the future of tech. But who controls these values comes down to who can harness these new technologies, pitting us in yet another battle for the future. 

In this episode, Out of Order will cover the current state of technological progress, who is ahead and where, how the transatlantic community can promote design and control of new technological developments, and the effects which non-liberal actors can have on the future of tech.

Are the U.S.–European values sufficiently in synch to allow for global leadership in the norms and rules that will govern the future? Do we even realize we’re in a battle for the future?  

Join the President of the German Marshall Fund, Karen Donfried, Vice President of Global Government Relations at MediaMath and GMF non-resident fellow, Daniel Sepulveda,  GMF Fellow, Amy Studdart, and our host Peter Sparding as they discuss these questions and more on the tenth edition of the Out of Order podcast.