Out of Order

Watching China in Europe with Germany's UN Ambassador Christoph Heusgen

Episode Summary

In this episode of Watching China in Europe, Noah Barkin speaks with Dr. Christoph Heusgen, Germany's ambassador to the United Nations who also served as Chancellor Angela Merkel's chief foreign policy advisor for more than a decade. Ambassador Heusgen argues that Germany must speak out on human rights abuses in China and push back against Beijing's attempts to bully smaller countries into adhering to its positions at the UN. He also explains why he is not a fan of the term "European strategic autonomy"— a popular buzzword among EU policymakers—saying Europe's priority must be to work with the United States and other allies. New episodes of the "Watching China in Europe" series will be posted to the Out of Order feed every few weeks. For more on China in Europe, subscribe to Noah's monthly newsletter at the link below.

Episode Notes

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